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Steve Canyon Comics #1 (Feb 1948, Harvey) FN 6.0 Bob Powell Maurice Whitman art
Green Lantern #104 (May 1978, DC) VF 8.0 Airwave II appearance Mike Grell cover
The Spectacular Spider-Man #81 (1983) VF 8.0
Superman #3 (1987) VF/NM 9.0 1st appearance Amazing Grace
Infinity, Inc. #35 (1987) VF- 7.5
Amazing Spider-Man #270 (Nov 1985, Marvel) NM- 9.2 Firelord and Avengers app
Airboy #2 (1986) VF 8.0
The Spirit #23 (1986) VF- 7.5
Legion of Super-Heroes #32 (1987) VF 8.0
The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #1 (1979) VF 8.0
Justice League of America #155 (1978) FN 6.0
Justice, Inc. #1 (1975) FN+ 6.5 Joe Kubert cover
Superman #14 (1988) VF+ 8.5
Iron Man #227 (1988) F/VF 7.0
West Coast Avengers #20 (1987) NM- 9.2
West Coast Avengers #19 (1987) NM- 9.2
Mage: The Hero Discovered #15 (1986) VF/NM 9.0
Daredevil #211 (1984) VF 8.0
Daredevil #209 (1984) NM- 9.2
Daredevil #207 (1984) F/VF 7.0
Daredevil #194 (1983) VF/NM 9.0
Incredible Hulk #212 (Jun 1977, Marvel) FN 6.0 1st appearance of The Constrictor
Daredevil #196 (1983) NM- 9.2
Redskin #6 (1951) VG- 3.5 Bondage cover
X-Men Annual #15 (1991) VF/NM 9.0
Amazing Adventures #39 (1976) VF- 7.5
Star Trek #18 (1973) VG/FN 5.0 Mark Jewelers Insert
X-Force #19 (Feb 1993, Marvel) VF/NM 9.0 1st appearance Copycat
The Invaders #25 (1978) VF+ 8.5
Real Love #36 (Ace 1951) Coverless Alice Kirkpatrick art
Drag N' Wheels #47 (Jun 1971, Charlton) Good 2.0
Justice League of America #175 (1980) FN+ 6.5
Marvel Spotlight #5 (1980) F/VF 7.0
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #156 (1973) G/VG 3.0
Blackhawk #143 (1959) VG- 3.5
Tom Corbett Space Cadet #3 (1955) Fair/Good 1.5
Daredevil #225 (1985) VF 8.0
Adventures of Superman #425 (1987) VF- 7.5
Action Comics #586 (1987) VF/NM 9.0
Fantastic Four #242 (1982) F/VF 7.0
Classics Illustrated #82 (1951) G/VG 3.0 1st edition HRN 82
Green Lantern #44 (Apr 1966, DC) VG- 3.5 Jordan brothers backup story
Flash #242 (Jun 1976, DC) FN+ 6.5 Green Lantern backup story
World's Finest #226 (Dec 1974, DC) VG 4.0 100 pages Nick Cardy cover
Daredevil #129 (Jan 1976, Marvel) NM- 9.2 Man-Bull appearance
Captain Marvel #41 (Nov 1975, Marvel) VG 4.0 Ronan and Supreme Intelligence app
Crime Does Not Pay #77 (Jul 1949, Lev Gleason) VG/FN 5.0 Charles Biro cover
Wanted Comics #39 (Jul 1951) VG/FN 5.0 Drug propoganda story
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