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The Spectacular Spider-Man #120 (1986) NM- 9.2 25th Anniversary Border
The Spectacular Spider-Man #107 (1985) NM- 9.2 1st appearance Sin-Eater
Dell Giant #35 (1960) Huey, Dewey and Louie Back to School VG 4.0
What If #27 (1981) VF/NM 9.0
Marvel Team-Up #47 (1976) The Thing VG+ 4.5
Marvel Team-Up #41 (1976) be Scarlet Witch VF/NM 9.0
Marvel Team-Up #36 (1975) Frankenstein Monster F/VF 7.0
Marvel Spotlight #19 (1974) Son of Satan F/VF 7.0
Marvel Spotlight #18 (1974) Son of Satan VF- 7.5
Marvel Age #6 (1983) VF+ 8.5
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan #231 (1974) FN+ 6.5
Superman #375 (1982) F/VF 7.0
Mister Miracle #24 (Jun 1978, DC) VG/FN 5.0 Russ Heath art
Action Comics #584 (1987) VF- 7.5
Cuatro Fantásticos #125 (1972 de agosto, Marvel) muy bien - 7.5 John Buscema y Joe Sinnott CVR
Daredevil #137 (Sept 1976, Marvel) VF 8.0 Jester appearance John Buscema cover
Flying Cadet Vol 2 No 3 (Mar 1944, St. John) VG- 3.5
World's Finest #213 (Sept 1972, DC) VF- 7.5 Atom appearance Nick Cardy cover
Men In Action #5 (Feb 1958, Ajax-Farrell) VG- 3.5
Human Torch #3 (Jan 1975, Marvel) NM- 9.2
Champions #12 (Mar 1977, Marvel) VF- 7.5 Black Goliath and Darkstar appearance
Tomb Of Dracula #66 (Sept 1978, Marvel) VF- 7.5 Gene Colan cover
Vic Verity #1 (1945 Don Fortune) G/VG 3.0 CC Beck cover and art
Superman #194 (Feb 1967, DC) VG/FN 5.0 Lex Luthor appearance
Green Lantern #119 (Aug 1979, DC) NM- 9.2
Superman #10 (1987) VF 8.0
Giant-Size Iron Man (1975) F/VF 7.0
Giant-Size Man-Thing #5 (1975) FN+ 6.5
Man-Thing #16 (1975) VF- 7.5
Man-Thing #10 (1974) F/VF 7.0
Daredevil #186 (Sept 1982, Marvel) VG 4.0
Daredevil #214 (1985) F/VF 7.0
Daredevil #193 (1983) VF- 7.5
The Incredible Hulk #332 (1987) F/VF 7.0
X-Men Annual #4 (1980) VF + 8.5
X-Men Annual #12 (1988) VF/NM 9.0
Arrgh! #2 (1975) VG + 4.5
Sandman #37 (May 1992, DC) VF- 7.5
Daredevil #222 (1985) VF/NM 9.0
Daredevil #180 (Mar 1982, Marvel) VF- 7.5 Kingpin, Vanessa Fisk and Elektra app
The Twilight Zone #59 (Sept 1974, Whitman) VF+ 8.5 Painted cover
Daredevil #154 (Sept 1978, Marvel) VF- 7.5 Purple Man Paladin Gladiator app
World's Finest #235 (Jan 1976, DC) F/VF 7.0
Rider #1 (Mar 1957, Ajax-Farrell) G/VG 3.0
Crime And Punishment #21 (Dec 1949, Lev Gleason) F/VF 7.0 Charles Biro cover
Superman #313 (Jul 1977, DC) VF- 7.5 Supergirl app Dick Dillon & Neal Adams cvr
Superman #229 (Aug 1970, DC) VG+ 4.5 Batman and Supergirl appearance
Superman #192 (Jan 1967, DC) VG- 3.5 JLA appearance
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