The comic community reaches all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is one of the few communities where people with vast differences share a common interest. Find us at www.fatdaddyscollectibles.com

Fat Daddy loves the fun of collecting as much if not more than most. We realize that without the talent involved in producing comic books and related items for our community, we would have nothing to look forward to. No comics to read, no artwork to appreciate, no heroes to identify with, and no villains to vilify. There would be no pull list at your local comic book store to look forward to or the excitement of getting that next issue of a tantalizing story. A story that makes your mind wander into realms that only the mad genius of today's storytellers can bring you to.

The comic community reaches all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is one of the few communities where people with vast differences share a common interest. Therefore we not only find it important but imperative to support current, new, and up-and-coming artists, writers, and those with a passion to share their own stories with our community. It is with this in mind that Fat Daddy's asks you to PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO PURCHASE ART FROM THESE TALENTED PEOPLE THAT BRING US SO MUCH JOY. WHETHER YOU BUY ART, SELF-PUBLISHED COMICS FROM FAT DADDY’S, OR USE THE ARTIST'S CONTACT INFO TO ORDER A PIECE OF ORIGINAL ART, ALL SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED.

We are happy for the opportunity to work with these amazing talents and to be able to help get their work noticed by our amazing customers.

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