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Comic Shop News #1101 FN ; Comic Shop News |
Comic Shop News #556 VF ; Comic Shop News |
Comic Shop News #438 VF ; Comic Shop News |
Cobalt 60 #4 VF ; Tundra | Mark Bode
Image+ (Vol. 1) #11 VF ; Image | Plus Youngblood
Image+ (Vol. 1) #8 VF ; Image | Plus Old Guard
Image+ (Vol. 1) #7 VF ; Image | Plus Curse Words
Hulk, The #19 COVERLESS ; Marvel | low grade comic Magazine
Horrorhound #45 VG ; HorrorHound | low grade comic Frankenstein
Hogan's Alley #16 VF/NM ; Bull Moose | Song of the South
Circus #19 FN ; Glenat | mensuel
Potential #4 VF ; Slave Labor | Ariel Schrag LGBT
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Charley's War #10HC VF/NM ; Titan | hardcover
Pood #1 FN ; Big If |
Hembeck #1 (2nd) VG ; FantaCo | low grade comic Fred Hembeck Magazine
Heavy Metal: Overdrive #1 VF ; HM Communications |
Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy #8 FN ; Fantagraphics | Last Issue Underground
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Heavy Metal #119 VG ; HM | low grade comic Winter 1989
Scream Queens Illustrated Issue #21 FN ; Market Square | Christine Cavalier
Draculina (1st Series) #22 VF ; Draculina | Jewel Shepard
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Draculina (1st Series) #15 FN ; Draculina |
Draculina (1st Series) #27 VF/NM ; Draculina |
Draculina (1st Series) #51 FN ; Draculina |
Men's Adventure Comix #7 VF/NM ; Penthouse | Alan Davis
Men's Adventure Comix #5 VF ; Penthouse |
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Vampire Legends #1 VF ; Black Swan | Mike Hoffman
Vampirella (Magazine) #81 FN ; Warren | Dracula
Vampirella (Magazine) #48 VG ; Warren | low grade comic
Overstreet's Comic Book Monthly #21 VF ; Overstreet | Gene Roddenberry
Omni Magazine (vol. 3) #2 VG ; Omni | low grade comic November 1980 Saturn
Official Star Trek, The: The Next Generation Magazine #7 FN ; Starlog |
Twin Earths #6 VF/NM ; R. Susor |
Turok: Seeds of Evil #1 VF ; Acclaim |
Tuff Stuff's Collect (vol. 2) #8 VF ; Tuff Stuff | October 1994 Spawn
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Tuff Stuff's Collect (vol. 3) #12 VF ; Tuff Stuff | February 1996 Batman
Trufan Adventures Theatre #1 VG ; Paragraphics | low grade comic Bizarro Gumby M
Toxic! (Apocalypse) #5 FN ; Apocalypse | Marshal Law
TMEO #6 FN ; Import | Alguien en Quien Confiar
New Video Magazine #54 VF ; Import |
National Lampoon #99 VG ; National Lampoon | low grade comic June 1978 magazine
National Lampoon #39 VG ; National Lampoon | low grade comic June 1973 Cheech Wi
Tattoo Advocate Magazine #1 VF ; Tattoo Advocacy |
Tarzan Gigante #23 FN ; Editrice Cenisio |
Mythadventures #5 FN ; Warp | Robert Asprin Phil Foglio
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Mutiny Magazine #2A VF/NM ; Fairsquare | Moebius
Mondo #2 VF/NM ; Image | Ted McKeever
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Tales of the Ninja Warriors #9 VF/NM ; CFW | She-Bat
Tales of Voodoo #28 VG ; Eerie | low grade comic Frankenstein
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