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CARtoons (Petersen) #33 VG ; Petersen | low grade comic February 1967 Car Toons
Pied Piper Graphic Album #1 VF ; Pied Piper | Hero Alliance
Harpoon #1 FN ; Lopez |
People Weekly (vol. 23) #12 FN ; Time | March 25 1985 Bill Cosby
People Weekly (vol. 16) #11 VG ; Time | low grade comic September 14 1981 Dudley
People Weekly (vol. 6) #14 VG ; Time | low grade comic October 4 1976 Woody Alle
Phantacea #2 FN ; Jim McPherson | Dave Sim 1978
Paul the Samurai (Mini-Series) #2 FN ; NEC | Ben Edlund
Captain Britain (2nd Series) #5 FN ; Marvel | magazine
Captain Britain (2nd Series) #4 FN ; Marvel | magazine
Vampirella (Magazine) #78 FN ; Warren | photo cover
Vampirella (Magazine) #56 VF ; Warren |
Panic Magazine #4 FN ; Panic | January 1959 Holiday
Cages #7 VF ; Atomeka | Dave McKean
Other History of the DC Universe, The #4A VF/NM ; DC | Black Label
Nostalgia Illustrated (vol. 2) #2 GD ; Marvel | low grade comic Humphrey Bogart
Nook #3 VF/NM ; Source Point | Thusat - Biott
Non-Sport Update (vol. 9) #1 FN ; Roxanne Toser | Meanie Babies
Non-Sport Update (vol. 4) #2 FN ; Roxanne Toser | Star Wars
Twin Earths: Sunday Pages #5 VF ; R. Susor |
Twin Earths: Sunday Pages #4 VF ; R. Susor |
Twin Earths #3 FN ; R. Susor |
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Twilight Zone Magazine, The (Rod Serling's) (vol. 7) #3 (Newsstand) GD ; TZ | lo
Tuff Stuff's Collect (vol. 7) #7 VG ; Tuff Stuff | low grade comic September 199
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Tuff Stuff's Collect (vol. 7) #1 FN ; Tuff Stuff | March 1999 Star Wars
Transformers: Magazine #4 VF/NM ; IDW |
Toxic! (Apocalypse) #10 FN ; Apocalypse | Accident Man
Toxic! (Apocalypse) #7 VG ; Apocalypse | low grade comic Makabre
Toxic! (Apocalypse) #6 VG ; Apocalypse | low grade comic Marshal Law
Toxic! (Apocalypse) #1 FN ; Apocalypse | Marshal Law
Tor (Epic) #3 FN ; Epic | Joe Kubert Heavy Hitters
Tomart's Action Figure Digest #201 VG ; Tomart | low grade comic Flying Heroes
Titans, The (Marvel UK) #4 FAIR ; Marvel UK | low grade comic Nick Fury Captain
Bizarre Adventures #27 FN ; Marvel | X-Men
Golden Age Fanzine, the #2 FN ; S.F.C.A |
Tick, The #6 (3rd) FN ; NEC | Ben Edlund Encore
Tick, The #3 (2nd) FN ; NEC | Ben Edlund Encore
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Tick, The #2 FN ; NEC | Ben Edlund 1st print
Giant Cracked #11 VG ; Globe | low grade comic
Giant Cracked #23 VG ; Globe | low grade comic March 1980 magazine
Giant Cracked #6 FN ; Globe |
Giant Cracked #7 FN ; Globe |
Terry and the Pirates (NBM) #18 VF/NM ; NBM | Flying Buttress
Terry and the Pirates (NBM) #21 FN ; NBM | Flying Buttress
Terry and the Pirates (NBM) #10 VF/NM ; NBM | Flying Buttress
Terry and the Pirates (NBM) #2 VF/NM ; NBM | Flying Buttress
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National Lampoon (Vol. 2) #49 GD ; National Lampoon | low grade comic August 198
National Lampoon (Vol. 2) #85 FN ; National Lampoon | August 1985 Tina Turner
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