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B-Bop Comics
A division of Friendly Frank's Inc, est 1978.
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Modern Age (1992-Now)
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*Ultimate Comics X-Men (2011, of 33) #1-33
*GI Joe (Marvel) #131-140 (10 books)
*Superman: Man of Steel (1991) 31-70; 1,000,000 (41 books)
*Ultimate Spider-Man 15 Book LOT #1 (FCBD Ed.), 16-30. BENDIS/BAGLEY!
*Transformers Vs G.I. Joe (2014 IDW, of 13) #1 All 15 Covers!
*Young Avengers v1 (2005) 1-9, Special 1 | 10 High Grade books total
*Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in Color (1992) #1-51
*GI Joe (2008, IDW) #11-15 All 16 Covers!
*DV8 ('96 Image) #0, #1 (8 covers), #2-25, Ann. #1-2, Black-Ops #1-3; 38 books!
*Batman v2 (2011) 1-11, Annual 1 | 12 High Grade books total
*GI Joe (Marvel) #121-130 HIGH GRADE (10 books)
*GI Joe Infestation (2011, IDW) #1-2 7 Covers! 1 Hand Drawn!
*Undertaker (1999 Chaos) 1-5 | 5 High Grade books total!
*X-Factor v1 #101-125, Ann 1-8 (33 books) - HIGH GRADE
*GI Joe (Marvel) #155nm Beautiful Copy, Scarce
*Wu-Tang Nine Rings TPB; #0
*Captain Marvel v9 (2016) 1-10 of 10 | 10 High Grade books total
*Final Crisis BIG LOT (21 books, $85+ cover, Grant Morrison/Jones)
*Sovereign Seven (1995 DC) #1-25, Annual1 (26 books)
*Secret Wars (1984, of 12) #1 nm
*World's Finest v3 (2012, Huntress/Power Girl) 0, 1-18, World's Finest 3 ('96)
*Grendel: War Child (DH '92, of 10) #1-10 & Grendel Tales #1-3; 13 books total!
*DV8 (1996, Image) 1/2, 1(6 cvrs)-18, 21-23, 25, Annuals & more! (37 books)
*UNDERDOG #12 & 13 1st Shack of Solitude! Guide $34
*Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993 Malibu) #16-32, Annuals + SIGNED 2x (21 books)
bb INCREDIBLE HULK V1 #411-601 + V2 #3-12 LOT (38 books) Byrne Relaunches!
*Nightwing (2011, New 52)0, 1-26, Annual 1 | 28 High Grade books total
G.I. Joe: Fall Of G.I. Joe TP 1-2 Set (2015 IDW) $36 Cover Price.
*Star Trek Green Lantern (2015 IDW, of 6) #1 | All 27 Covers!
*Action Comics 837-857 | 21 High Grade books total!
*Young Justice v1 (1998) 1-15, Special 1, Secret Files, Secret Origins
Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2 #30 (#471) 1st Ezekiel & Morlun 9.2
*Gold Digger Swimsuit 2, 5-9, 6 books total!
Dark Shadows: Year One & Vampirella TP Set (2 books)
*Catwoman v4 (2011, New 52) 0, 1-26, Annual 1 | 28 High Grade books total
*Earth 2 (2012, DC)0, 1-7 | 8 High Grade books total
*Batman Beyond Unlimited (2012) 1-18 of 18 | 18 High Grade books total
*Grendel Tales Lot (Dark Horse; 23 books)
Three Stooges 43 fn
*Flash Vol 2 #119-134 Grant Morrison (16 books)
*New Warriors v1 (1990) 67-73 | 7 High Grade books, scarce!
G.I. Joe TP 1-3 (2013-14 IDW, Van Lente)
*GI Joe Special Missions (1986 Marvel, of 28) #1 fn, 2-28 | 27 High Grade books
Big Little Book #1440; Zane Grey's Tex Thorne Comes Out of the West (1937)
*Batman Arkham Unhinged (2012) 1-20 of 20, Endgame | 21 High Grade books total
*X-Force 15-28 + Annual 1 + Cable 15, 16 Books
*Batman #488, 490-496, 498-500 (11 books)
*Justice League America (1987) #0, 2-10, 14, 16, 18-24, 27-44, Ann 1 (38 books)
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