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Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Marvel/ March 1963) CGC RESTORED Grade 3.5
*Avengers 134 nm, 135 nm | Origin of Vision! 2 HIGH GRADE books total
Tales of Suspense #39; CGC 6.0. Off-white pages. Origin and 1st Iron Man!
*X-MEN V. 1 #45 nm+ 9.6 Free Shipping!
Free Shipping
Batman #32; CGC 6.0. White Pages. Joker Appearance. Origin of Robin retold.
Batman #55 CGC 4.0/ Cream to Off-White. Joker!
*Avengers #167-170 (4 books) FREE Shipping!
Free Shipping
*New Mutants v1 88, 90-97, 100 | 10 HIGH GRADE books total
*New Mutants v1 #87 nm; HIGH GRADE
Zap Comix #1 gvg (1967, Apex) 1st ed, 25 cent
*New Avengers v1 32-64 | 33 HIGH GRADE books total
*New Mutants 31-40 | 10 HIGH GRADE books total
**Daredevil v2 (1998, Kevin Smith) #21-40; 20 High Grade Books.
*Avengers 128 nm, 129 nm, 130 nm | 3 HIGH GRADE books total
*Generation X (1994 Marvel) #26-50, 48vf; 24 HIGH GRADE +1 Books
*Fantastic Four v3 (Marvel) #51-75(504); 25 HIGH GRADE Books
Journey Into Mystery #85 (Thor, first appearance of Loki) CGC 7.5
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #526-550; 25 HIGH GRADE Books
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #551-569; 19 HIGH GRADE Books.
*New Mutants v1 41-47, 49-50 | 9 HIGH GRADE books total
*Force Works (1994 Marvel, of 22) #1-6, 8-22; 21 HIGH GRADE Books.
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #505(76)-525; 511fn, 512-515 all vf. 15 HIGH GRADE +5
*Fallen Angels (1987, of 8) #1vf, 2-8. 7 HIGH GRADE +1 Books.
*New Mutants v1 71-86 | 16 HIGH GRADE books total
*New Mutants v1 Annual 1-6 | 6 HIGH GRADE books total
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #572-588, Atlantis Chronicles1-2; 19 HIGH GRADE Books.
*Generation X (1994 Marvel) #51-75 (of 75), Holiday Special; 26 HIGH GRADE books
*Generation X (1994 Marvel) #1-25, Ann '95-'99; 30 HIGH GRADE Books
*New Mutants v1 20-30 | 11 HIGH GRADE books total
*New Mutants 51-60 | 9 HIGH GRADE books + 1 fn book total
*Marvel Superhero Contest of Champions (1982, of 3) 1-3; all books nm-
*Avengers #125 nm | Thanos! HIGH GRADE
*Master of Kung Fu (1974) 69-71, 73-80 | 11 HIGH GRADE books total
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #322-349; Simonson; 28 HIGH GRADE Books
*Mutant X (1998) 1-32, Annual 1-3 | 35 HIGH GRADE books total
*New Avengers v1 #1-12; 10 HIGH GRADE books + 2 fn books total (see description)
Famous Funnies #209 Buck Rogers Classic 1st Frazetta Cover
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #400NM
*Fantastic Four (Marvel) #270-1, 273, 275-6, 278-281. 9 VF to NM- Books
*Iron Man v1 #128 nm- | Classic Demon in a Bottle!
*Marvel Team-Up (1972) 145-146, 148-149 | 4 HIGH GRADE books total
*Firestar (1986 Marvel, of 4) #1-4; 4 HIGH GRADE Books
*Avengers 141 nm, 142 nm, 143 nm | 3 HIGH GRADE books total
*Avengers 136 nm, 137 nm | Beast! 2 HIGH GRADE books total
*Wolverine 20-66 nm/m SET
*Gambit+X-Ternals #1-4, Generation Next #1-4; 8 HIGH GRADE Books.
*Punisher (Marvel, 1986) #1-5 of 5. 5 HG Books!
*Avengers 147 vf/nm, 148 nm, 149 nm | 3 books total
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