ID: 17499934
The CYBER SPECTRE #1 Jay Anacleto Retailer Incentive Cover C Scout Comics
Condition: Comic Book is in Near Mint Condition | Will Ship Comic Bagged and Boarded Grade: 9.4 Near Mint THE CYBER SPECTRE #1 | Scout Comics 2018 |JAY ANACLETO RETAILER INCENTIVE VARIANT COVER C"Written by Richa ... Read More
Item Specifics
- Series Name
- The Cyber Spectre (2018)
- Issue Number
- 1
- Main Character
- Spectre
- Genre
- Horror & Sci-Fi
- Signed
- No
Item Description
Condition: Comic Book is in Near Mint Condition | Will Ship Comic Bagged and BoardedGrade: 9.4 Near Mint
THE CYBER SPECTRE #1 | Scout Comics 2018 |JAY ANACLETO RETAILER INCENTIVE VARIANT COVER C"Written by Richard Emms. Art by Ale Graza. Cover by Jay Anacleto. In a world run by super-computers and where the judicial system is purely digital, there is no human error, just a singular artificial intelligence that calculates the outcome of every possible crime. From murder to drug deals, the computer determines the fate of all humanity. But there's a crime that seems to have slipped through the cracks - Who or what is the Cyber Spectre? A special back-up feature, The Kromik, by Rich Emms and Carlos Zuniga rounds off this first issue. 28 pages, full color."COMIC BOOK IS IN NEAR MINT CONDITION AND WILL SHIP COMIC BAGGED AND BOARDED#CyberSpectre #JayAnacleto #AI #ScoutComics #reseller #dreamscape #dreamscapecomics #Hipcomics #Hipcollectibles #Hipfinds #Hipdeals #comics #comicbooks #ncbd #whatsnext
Seller Information
- Seller
- Dreamscape181 (496)
- Registered Since
- 04/16/2020
- Feedback
- 100%
- Store
- Dreamscape Comics
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- Item Location
- Tennessee, United States
- Ships To
- United States
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- Returns Accepted
- No
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