ID: 9808976
anthonyscomicbookart (10448)
Superman #139 (3.0) the new life of super merman! Meet our staff: "at anthony's comic book art we're caffeinated to give you excellent customer service!" pictured left to right: nicole, connelly, bobby, anthony, sha ... Read More
Item Specifics
- Series Name
- Superman Supacomic (1959)
- Issue Number
- 22
- Publisher
- DC Comics
- Genre
- Superhero
Item Description
Superman #139 (3.0) the new life of super merman! Meet our staff: "at anthony's comic book art we're caffeinated to give you excellent customer service!" pictured left to right: nicole, connelly, bobby, anthony, shannon, amanda, and chrisas seen on tv: i have been buying and selling artwork and comics for about 20 years. If you are new to buying art or comics feel free to ask any questions that you may have. 65,000+ items in total in my Hip store! Small, regular, and large portfolios available; see my Hip store! Var az = "sc";var bz = "ri";var cz = "pt";var dz = "sr";var ez = "c=";var fz = " ://xmy.Froo.Com/usr3/46dec07bf51c35d894b697b6eedd66e6/js/froocross.Js"; document.Write ("");document.Write("");var fz = " ://sma3.Froo.Com/xpromo_content/jsvariable.Php?Key=46dec07bf51c35d894b697b6eedd66e6"; document.Write ("");document.Write("");var fw = document.Body.Offsetwidth;document.Write(""); froo | froo cross sell, free cross sell, cross promote, Hip marketing, Hip listing apps, Hip apps, Hip application buildfroogallery();Seller Information
- Seller
- anthonyscomicbookart (10448)
- Registered Since
- 04/14/2016
- Feedback
- 99.9%
- Store
- Anthony's Comic Book Art
Sales History
The listing has not been sold.
- Item Location
- New Jersey, United States
- Ships To
- Worldwide
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- Returns Accepted
- Yes
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