ID: 14887160
BAT-MAN RA'S AL GHUL YEAR ONE (2005 DC) 1-2 Paul Gulacy/Jimmy Palmiotti
Condition: VERY FINE or better, mostly VF-NM Yes we COMBINE SHIPPING - $5 for first item, 25 cents for each additional more EXCLUSIVE kochcomics STORE ONLY listings!!! New Listings Daily KOCH COMICS, THE WEREHOUSE ... Read More
Item Specifics
- Series Name
- Year One: Batman/Ra's Al Ghul (2005)
- Issue Number
- 2
- Publisher
- DC Comics
Item Description
Condition: VERY FINE or better, mostly VF-NMYes we COMBINE SHIPPING - $5 for first item, 25 cents for each additional more EXCLUSIVE kochcomics STORE ONLY listings!!! New Listings Daily KOCH COMICS, THE WEREHOUSE located in the heart of BROOKLYN THE ENDLESS CONVENTION SEE OUR KOCHCOMICS E BAY STORE FOR A NON-STOP AVALANCHE OF COMICS, TOYS, BOOKS, MOVIE MEMORABILIA, VINYL AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND (not always sure WHAT you will find, but you WILL FIND) BAT-MAN Ra's Al Ghul (2005) 1-2Published to coincide with the release of the summer blockbuster Batman Begins, this Prestige Format limited series focuses on the longstanding conflict between the Dark Knight and the Demon’s Head.Eco-terrorist Ra’s al Ghul cheated death for hundreds of years, but eventually met his doom in Batman: Death and the Maidens. Narrated by letter from al Ghul that is delivered posthumously to Bruce Wayne, this tale is a warning to Batman of what could happen if the Lazarus Pits that revived al Ghul alive for centuries were destroyed. Let’s just say that having that many dead people walking around is not pretty at all, and the Caped Crusader may have more on his plate than he can handle.Writer Devin Grayson and artist Paul Gulacy offer up an interesting spin on Batman’s relationship with Ra’s al Ghul, but very little is done to indoctrinate curious film-viewers who picked this up to learn more about the characters from Batman Begins.— Thomas Moudry, ComicbasePaul Gulacy/Jimmy Palmiotti VF or better End Of Description======================================lSHIPPING DISCOUNT FOR U.S. CUSTOMERS!AFTER the first $5.00 shipping, add only 25 cents for each additional win/buy. (Excludes collections, inventories, posters, cgc's and lots consisting of70 books/mags/magazines or more - for lots & collections, see listings for applicable shipping terms).Warehouse pick ups by appointment - come on by check us out (no shipping for pick ups, obviously) Holiday (AND ALWAYS) SHIPPINGSCHEDULE:Almost all auctions ship within 1 business day after receiving payment, usually in 24 hrs or less; Nifty FREEBIE FUN PACK of Comics and Cards accompanies ALL packages EXCEPT (the FINE print) when packaging and shipping cost prohibit freebie fun pack inclusion (some non-domestic orders and some poster orders) Payment may be made via PayPal or credit cards.Pick up by appointment for all auctions and listings. Call 718-768-8571 for pickup payment options.AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, MASTER CARD DISCOVER End Of Postage and Payment Terms ======================================The Avalanche Continues!Check out our Hip store for spectacular sales and SpecialsNEW LISTINGS DAILY!!!! ALERT! We are STILL sorting 750 000 comics - possibly the biggest onetime comic sort EVER undertaken. Watch our auctions, watch our e bay store for sales andspecials. We are about to sort the letter "X" (over 200 boxes, 60 000 comics)1000's of listings!FREE giveaways and blaring trumpets in 20 key categoriesThe Kochcom Hip Store!(Everyday is a holiday in Brooklyn)Nifty Free Fun Packs withevery shipment!! A KOCHCOM AUCTIONThe Endless Convention!~Check out our other auctions!!! More sets, more breakouts, more trade paperbacks, more movies and horrorNifty Freebie Fun Packs with every shipment!! THE FINE PRINT: except when packaging and shipping cost prohibit freebie fun pack inclusion (some non-domestic orders and some poster orders) - the fine printMutants among us.~Check out our other auctions!!! More sets, more breakouts, more trade paperbacks, more movies and horror $_mod.ready(); (function(scope) {var trackingInfo = {"X_Hip_C_CORRELATION_SESSION":"si=019001141900a7447f840551ffc44ae3,c=1,operationId=3458402,trk-gflgs=QA**"};scope.trkCorrelationSessionInfo={};scope.trkCorrelationSessionInfo.getTrackingInfo=function(){return trackingInfo;};scope.trkCorrelationSessionInfo.getTrackingCorrelationSessionInfo=function(){return trackingInfo.X_Hip_C_CORRELATION_SESSION};})(window)if(typeof raptor !== "undefined" && raptor.require){var Uri=raptor.require("Hip/legacy/utils/Uri");$uri=function(href){return new Uri(href);};window.raptor.extend(window.raptor, require("Hip/legacy/adaptor-utils"));}try {new window.TaaSTrackingCore({"psi":"AkAEdzxo*","rover":{"imp":"/roverimp/0/0/9","clk":"/roverclk/0/0/9","uri":""},"pid":"p3458402"}); var _plsubtInp={"eventFamily":"DFLT","samplingRate":100, "pageLoadTime": new Date().getTime(), "pageId":3458402, "app":"Testapp", "disableImp":true};var _plsUBTTQ=[];var TaaSIdMapTrackerObj = new TaaSIdMapTracker();TaaSIdMapTrackerObj.roverService("");} catch (err) { console && console.log && console.log(err); }/* ssgST: excluded from sampling */$MC=(window.$MC||[]).concat({"l":1,"g":{"showdiag":false,"language":"en","env":"production","marketplaceId":"Hip-US","userId":null,"rlogid":"t6q4pnmjbb9%3Ftilw7qjkicf(qshv1*w%60ut3542-19001900101-0x2202","pageId":"3458402","mobile":false,"itemId":"364792014531"},"w":[["s0-14",0,{"model":{"_type":"SectionModule","sections":[{"_type":"Section","dataItems":[{"_type":"TextualDisplay","textSpans":[{"_type":"TextSpan","text":"
nYesnwe COMBINE SHIPPING - $5 for first item, 25 cents for eachnadditionalu003C/font>
nmore EXCLUSIVEnkochcomu003C/font>icsu003C/font>nSTORE ONLY listings!!!u003C/font>
nNewnListings Dailyu003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/p>n
n u003C/font>u003C/p>n
nKOCHnCOMICS, THE WEREHOUSE located in the heart of BROOKLYNu003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/p>n
n THEnENDLESS CONVENTIONu003C/b>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/p>n
nSEEnOUR u003C/font>KOCHCOMu003C/font>ICSu003C/font>nE BAY STOREu003C/font> FOR A NON-STOPnAVALANCHE OF COMICS, TOYS, BOOKS, MOVIE MEMORABILIA, VINYL AND MUCH,nMUCH MORE!u003C/font>u003C/b>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/p>n
nSEEKnAND YE SHALL FIND u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/font>(not always sure WHAT you willnfind, but you WILLu003C/u> FIND)u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/font>u003C/p>u003C/font>
BAT-MAN Ra's Al Ghul (2005) 1-2u003C/font>u003C/p>
Published to coincide with the release of the summer blockbuster Batman Begins, this Prestige Format limited series focuses on the longstanding conflict between the Dark Knight and the Demon’s Head.u003C/span>
Eco-terrorist Ra’s al Ghul cheated death for hundreds of years, but eventually met his doom in Batman: Death and the Maidens. Narrated by letter from al Ghul that is delivered posthumously to Bruce Wayne, this tale is a warning to Batman of what could happen if the Lazarus Pits that revived al Ghul alive for centuries were destroyed. Let’s just say that having that many dead people walking around is not pretty at all, and the Caped Crusader may have more on his plate than he can handle.u003C/span>
Writer Devin Grayson and artist Paul Gulacy offer up an interesting spin on Batman’s relationship with Ra’s al Ghul, but very little is done to indoctrinate curious film-viewers who picked this up to learn more about the characters from Batman Begins.u003C/span>
— Thomas Moudry, Comicbaseu003C/span>u003C/p>Paul Gulacy/Jimmy Palmiottiu003C/font>
VF or better
End Of Descriptionu003C/span>u003C/p>u003C/h2>======================================u003C/font>
lu003C/center>u003C/center>u003C/h3>u003C/h3>u003C/font>SHIPPING DISCOUNT FOR U.S. CUSTOMERS!u003C/font>u003C/h3>
AFTER the first $5.00 shipping, add only 25 cents for each additional win/buy. (Excludes collections, inventories, posters, cgc's and lots consisting of
70 books/mags/magazines or more - for lots & collections, see listings for applicable shipping terms).
Warehouse pick ups by appointment - come on by check us out (no shipping for pick ups, obviously) u003C/center> u003C/font> u003C/font>Holiday (AND ALWAYS) SHIPPINGSCHEDULE:u003C/b>u003C/h3>u003C/center>Almost all auctions ship within 1 business day after receiving payment, usually in 24 hrs or less;
Nifty FREEBIE FUN PACK of Comics and Cards accompanies ALL packages EXCEPT (the FINE print) when packaging and shipping cost prohibit freebie fun pack inclusion (some non-domestic orders and some poster orders) u003C/font>
Payment may be made via PayPal or credit cards.Pick up by appointment for all auctions and listings. Call 718-768-8571 for pickup payment options.
American Express, Visa, Master Card Discover
u003C/p>End Of Postage and Payment Terms
The Avalanche Continues!
Check out our Hip store for spectacular sales and Specialsu003C/font>u003C/h3>
New Listings Daily!!!!
ALERT! We are STILL sorting 750 000 comics - possibly the biggest onetime comic sort EVER undertaken. Watch our auctions, watch our e bay store for sales andspecials. We are about to sort the letter "X" (over 200 boxes, 60 000 comics)1000's of listings!
FREE giveaways and blaring trumpets in 20 key categoriesu003C/p>u003C/h4>u003C/center>The Kochcom Hip Store!
(Everyday is a holiday in Brooklyn)
Nifty Free Fun Packs withevery shipment!!u003C/font> u003C/h3>
a Kochcom Auction
The Endless Convention!u003C/p>u003C/center>~
Check out our other auctions!!! More sets, more breakouts, more trade paperbacks, more movies and horroru003C/b>
Nifty Freebie Fun Packs with every shipment!! THE FINE PRINT: except when packaging and shipping cost prohibit freebie fun pack inclusion (some non-domestic orders and some poster orders) - the fine printu003C/b>
Mutants among us.
Check out our other auctions!!! More sets, more breakouts, more trade paperbacks, more movies and horroru003C/b>
Seller Information
- Seller
- kochcomics (6586)
- Registered Since
- 03/09/2010
- Feedback
- 99%
- Store
- KochComics
Sales History
User | Price | Quantity | Date |
tgerke41 (3581) | $6.95 | 1 | 02/18/2025 19:31:21 |
- Item Location
- New York, United States
- Ships To
- Worldwide
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- Returns Accepted
- No
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