Update Shipping Information under store info.
At one point I wrote up info for my Shipping Information. I would now like to edit that info. But of cant figure out how to do so. I've spent 30min search the forums and google but nothing. Things like this should be this hard or that hidden. Or I'm blind.
Please help.
Please help.
In order to update or edit shipping information, you need to log in to your Hip Account > Go to Store section. On the top right corner on your Store page you will see a) Store Setup and b) Store Pages. If its for Shipping Information then "Store Pages" is what you are looking for. You may edit your information and make sure to click "Save Settings" once you are done to save any changes you make.
For additional help, please feel free to contact support@hipecommerce.com .
Thanks and have a great day!
Thanks again.