Sync listings from HipComic to ebay

From a Seller:
Currently, we can sync our ebay listings from ebay to HipComic. As an alternate option, I would like the ability to create and manage my inventory on HipComic, and have my HipComic listings sync to ebay.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Agreed. With the image recognition, I would love to be able to LIST on HipComic and push to eBay, not the other way around.
  • This is like a major feature issue. Why be able to use image recognition software to build a database with populated data about each issue and even be able to create listings....just not push them to e-bay.....yet all your hacked up ebay listing can sync to Hip? Maybe I am missing the correct work flow, If I am, I apologize and would greatly appreciate anybody helping me understand. Otherwise, why was I the only second thumbs up and first comment? Seems absolutely crucial... or push to shopify or something....

    Thank you for listening!
  • Any update on this?
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