Feedback Details: "Joshua"

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Joshua (4)
Report User
Member Since
07/09/2020 22:02:29
Last Month 0 0 0
Last 6 Months 0 0 0
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As Seller 0 0 0
As Buyer 4 0 0
Total 4 0 0
5 entries found. Showing results 1 to 5
Feedback To
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
03/26/2021 19:53:01
Seller: lisajoe210 (57663)
Great service excellent packaging
02/18/2021 15:11:18
Seller: Crowljor (20578)
Amazing service ,excellent package, would highly recommend
02/18/2021 15:10:14
Seller: BooKooComix (356)
It arrived completely safe and the package was so well boxed that there was no damage at all the comic was perfect.
02/13/2021 08:55:26
Seller: allstarcomics (1893)
It arrived completely safe and the package was so well boxed that there was no damage at all the comic was perfect.
02/13/2021 08:54:34
Seller: curtisgifford (2082)
Commit: 22e35d34_751ec7e261