Feedback Details: "brayanm76"

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brayanm76 (0)
Report User
Member Since
05/13/2024 09:34:37
Last Month 0 0 0
Last 6 Months 1 0 1
Last 12 Months 1 0 1
As Seller 0 0 0
As Buyer 1 0 1
Total 1 0 1
2 entries found. Showing results 1 to 2
Feedback To
Bid on book, won and then closed his account!! bad Buyer!!
08/01/2024 13:33:01
Seller: graybeard (2188)
Awesome buyer
07/16/2024 02:56:05
Seller: collectorvault24 (6)
Commit: 6e47a7bc_4295310520