Feedback Details: "bigswimmey"

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bigswimmey (3)
Report User
New York
Member Since
07/20/2019 23:49:54
Last Month 0 0 0
Last 6 Months 0 0 0
Last 12 Months 0 0 0
As Seller 0 0 0
As Buyer 5 0 2
Total 5 0 2
13 entries found. Showing results 1 to 13
Feedback To
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
01/09/2020 20:09:38
Seller: comicswarehouse (6645)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
12/26/2019 20:54:00
Seller: arch_rival_patrick (567)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
12/26/2019 02:23:22
Seller: AtlantaClassicComics (49517)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
12/19/2019 20:47:00
Seller: arch_rival_patrick (567)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
12/19/2019 19:30:00
Seller: lisajoe210 (57914)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
12/17/2019 21:21:59
Seller: dtacollectibles (9633)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
12/17/2019 21:21:59
Seller: dtacollectibles (9633)
Positive Feedback Automatically Left After 45 days
11/28/2019 19:07:01
Seller: Mark (214474)
A+++ seller great packaging, quick shipping!
11/11/2019 01:31:20
Seller: colvillerobert (3571)
Saw his bad reputation, and told him i didnt want them item and told him to cancel transaction and didnt want it anymore dont buy from him
11/11/2019 01:27:17
Seller: Oscar360 (871)
A+++ seller great packaging
09/19/2019 17:24:29
Seller: glp5288 (63)
A+++ seller great packaging
09/19/2019 17:24:29
Seller: dtacollectibles (9633)
A+++ seller great packaging
08/23/2019 21:09:05
Seller: Still12c (1405)
Commit: 6e47a7bc_faf5570e2e