Feedback Details: "Beastmode84"

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Beastmode84 (6)
Report User
Member Since
11/23/2023 15:54:15
Last Month 0 0 0
Last 6 Months 0 0 0
Last 12 Months 7 0 1
As Seller 1 0 1
As Buyer 6 0 0
Total 7 0 1
5 entries found. Showing results 1 to 5
Feedback To
I'm sorry I had a break in and a lot of my comics got trashed,stolen or even took. My apologies I will look and see if I still have what you paid for if so I'll send it to you . Thanks for you under
02/26/2024 23:28:11
Buyer: d_donnelly_12180 (2)
I'm sorry I had a break in and a lot of my comics got trashed,stolen or even took. My apologies I will look and see if I still have what you paid for if so I'll send it to you . Thanks for you under
02/26/2024 23:28:11
Seller: Crowljor (20742)
I'm sorry I had a break in and a lot of my comics got trashed,stolen or even took. My apologies I will look and see if I still have what you paid for if so I'll send it to you . Thanks for you under
02/26/2024 23:28:11
Seller: Crowljor (20742)
I'm sorry I had a break in and a lot of my comics got trashed,stolen or even took. My apologies I will look and see if I still have what you paid for if so I'll send it to you . Thanks for you under
02/26/2024 23:28:11
Buyer: michaelcowand (0)
I'm sorry I had a break in and a lot of my comics got trashed,stolen or even took. My apologies I will look and see if I still have what you paid for if so I'll send it to you . Thanks for you under
02/26/2024 23:28:11
Seller: Rawguy (5759)
Commit: 6e47a7bc_4295310520