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Frank (1994 Nemesis) 1 (1.75 Cvr),2-4=Frankenstein
Killing Jar, the 1-5,Annual 1 Zimmerman & Brown
SUPERGIRL (2005)1(3rdPrint),2-3(both),4-17 BAG&BOARDED COMICS BOOK
Predator Race WAR (1993 DH) 1-4 Andrew Vachss
Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) 21-23 Where IS Wolverine
Marvel Universe VS Avengers (2012) 1-4 Hawkeye, Dr Doom Comics Book
FIERCE (2004 DARK HORSE) 1-4 Love bros. complete story!
The Flash #750-778 + Annual (2020)
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STARMAN (1994) 0-54,Ann1-2,Giant,Secrets JAMES ROBINSON
Troubleman (1996 IM/Motown) 1-3 'Motown' Comics !
Art Adams Spider-Verse Connecting Covers set 8/8
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Sovereign 7 (1995) 1-36,Ann 1-2, Plus Losh 1-
Doctor Tomorrow (1997 Acclaim/Valiant) 1-12
Green Arrow #1-17 (2017)
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Blackburne Covenant 1-4 Nicieza & Raffaele
Avengers Infinity (2000) 1-4 the Complete Series! Comics Book
Batman: Secrets #1-5 (2006)
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Thanos Infinity Abyss (2002) 1-6 Jim Starlin Complete
X-Men Unlimited #11 through 16 (1996) rsb3
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Ultimate Avengers VS New Ultimates (2011)1A-6A Death SP
Solomon Kane (2008 DH) 1a,,2-5 Complete!
SUPERMAN BATMAN (2003) 20-26 ""With A Vengeance"" Comple
Wanderers 1-13 Legion of Superheroes! Moench!The Set!
SCARLETT 6-9 ""Blood Of The Damned"" complete story
RACER X VOLUME 1 1-11 the 1st series COMPLETE
X-Men: The Early Years #3 through 6(1994)
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DV8 (1996 IM) Preview 0,1(8 variants),2-32, Ann1-2
Namor, the Sub-Mariner #30 through 43 (1992)
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CHECKMATE (2006) 1A,1B,2-31 the COMPLETE series+
The Flash #39-65 + Annual 2 (2019)
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Captain America #392 through 394 (1991) rb1
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Deathstroke #1-20 (2016)
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Fear Itself Youth in Revolt (2011) 1-6 Complete!
Rann-Thanagar Holy WAR (2008) 1-8 Starlin & LIM
Captain America #356 through 358 (1989) rb1
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Elfquest Siege at Blue MT 1-8 R & W Pini, Stanton
SPIDERMAN 383-385 ""Trial By Jury""
THE FADE OUT (Image, 2014) #1-12 COMPLETE!Brubaker and Phillips Noir Masterpiece
BATWOMAN (2011) 12-17 ""World's Finest"" WONDER WOMAN
Ultimates 2 (2005) 1-13,Ann1-2 Complete!
TICK TICK MINIS & ONE SHOTS 16 diff+2 dupes F/+
GI JOE Front Line (2002 Image) 5-8 ""Icebound"" Complete!
DREAM TEAM (1995 MALIBU) 1 Yellow Wolverine
Idol (1992 Epic) 1-3 Scary Horror Tale
AVATAR LOT A TO Y 60-DIFFERENT Alizarin's to Yuggoth
Coffin Bound #1-8 (2020)
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SWEET (1998 ADEPT) 1-5 SIGNED Leland Myrick
Superman #0-17 (2017)
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