Zora La Vampira #IV/086 Antropofagi per Forza
Cover Date: April, 1978
Issue Description
Zora La Vampira (1972)
- Publisher
- Edifumetto
Volume Description
In Italy were published 4 different series of the classic Zora la Vampira volume: the numbering started over with every new one. Here, the issues are proposed by series/number (for example, IV/055 means number 55 of the IV.th series).
For the first series, Edifumetto published 6 issues, from 09-1972 to 12-1972 and 1 supplement (I/03suppl. "Oroscopo demoniaco 1973" which have no Zora stories, but the horoscope for the coming year); for the second series, 23 issues from 01-1973 to 12-1973 and 1 supplement (#II/15suppl. - La peste nera); for the third series, 24 issues from 01-1974 to 12-1974; for the fourth series, 167 issues from 01-1975 to 07-1981 and 2 supplements (#IV/004suppl. - Natale di Sangue, and #IV/144suppl. - La Casa degli Orrori). In 1975, Zora also appears in the series "I Notturni" as a supplement of #IV/8 ("Viaggio macabro"). In 1977 Zora appears, with 4 short new stories, (#1, 2, 3, 5) in the magazine "Orror". In 1978 Zora has a brief appearance in "Sukia" #3, titled "Zora, se ci Sei Batti un Colpo".
From the second half of July 1981, Zora la vampira volume changes its name in "Zora Nuova Serie" (sometimes called "the V.th series") starting over, once again, with (a new) #1, changing from sexy comic to a "more explicit" comic.
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